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Donating Objects and/or Archival Materials

The Strathcona County Heritage Foundation is responsible for gathering, safeguarding, advocating, and exhibiting the historical and cultural heritage of Strathcona County, achieved through the management of the Strathcona County Museum & Archives. Items offered for donation should possess a credible link to Strathcona County, encompassing its inhabitants and history. On occasion, we may accept items that don't strictly adhere to this criterion to enrich our educational collection, which is utilized in hands-on programs and outreach initiatives. However, our capacity for storage is limited, which may influence our ability to accept certain donations. Donated artifacts are recorded and cared for to the highest standards.

The Strathcona County Museum & Archives requires that all potential donors complete an Offer of Donation form.

Please do not send your objects or archival material to the Museum until requested to do so by Museum staff.


Nous reconnaissons que nous sommes sur le territoire du Traité 6, les terres traditionnelles des peuples autochtones, y compris les Premières Nations, les Métis et les Inuits, et que nous sommes les bénéficiaires responsables de ce Traité et de son héritage. Nous déployons des efforts actifs vers la vérité et la réconciliation.

Musée et archives du comté de Strathcona

913, rue Ash Sherwood Park, AB T8A 2G3


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Visitez Strathma

Mardi - Samedi........10h-16h

Dimanche & Lundi..............Fermé


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